How does an asset as important as the brand stay out of the KPI universe?
We have developed our own method for periodical measure of brand image perception. Within time, it is possible to analyse factors that have made each point better or worse. Were there any campaigns, actions or news from our market share in this period? So why are there alterations?
It is from these image attributes (intangible) and the key features of
products (tangible) that we see a clear picture for monitoring results, which allows us to make quick decisions that may vary from communication and marketing to far beyond.
“…brandingis an intangible activity that cannot be measured
Phrase of a professional that is unfamiliar with BPI
Whom should you brand built a relationship with? What do say, where, when e how to say it
A one-fits-all strategy for online branding in website, portals, social networks, online media and mobile
To understand we must talk to clients as we do to friends, asking the right questions and listening carefully we can pick their true mind and hearts about brands and products
Lectures, Real-estate concepts, Culture, events & motivation, Online visibility