XYZ is a rallying point for professional who combine innovation and strategy in order to develop brands. Be it by building a unique market placement, mapping consumer patterns, measuring faithfulness and segment elasticity and/or modelling-prototyping products and solutions.

We have developed a method that is adaptable to each quest, inviting highlighted professionals within relevant expertise, to participate in multidisciplinary teams.

An authentic hub for distinguished specialists that are ready to act on your brands behalf, as a tailored performance enhancement.

  • It is best to have selected minds working on a project with proportional fees. We find it is financially unnecessary to sustain higher-level minds around the clock on full pay plus tax
  • You would rather pay fees over return, not over investments
  • Experience and innovation can walk side by side, so can strategy and
  • Que transparência, ética e boas práticas são atributos básicos e não diferenciais.
  • Good practices, ethics and transparency are basic attributes and must
    not be promoted as a differential
  • You have had enough of the modern garnished speech of quick fixes
  • To unwrap true perceptions and sensations we must relocate to the consumers habitat
  • A lot of relevant information comes from the digital universe, so does a lot of useless buzz
  • Digital presence is more than just building websites, portals, personas and pages on social network
  • Good ideas are welcome, no matter where they are from
  • An outsiders view of the inside, if neutral and coherent, can impulse your marketing processes
  • Sharing knowledge and experiences is the best way to learn
  • It is possible to measure intangible assets, such as brand performance
Alexandre Barros
AERP - Associação das Emissoras de Radiodifusão do Paraná

“XYZ attended to an specific demand and pointed out strategies customed
to our needs, becoming fundamental for decision making”

Gustavo Berto
Citá Properties

A XYZ foi extremamente assertiva e nos entregou uma plataforma institucional que nos permitiu diferenciação dentro mercado imobiliário…

Paul Riviere
OCAB - empresa de transporte - Rio de Janeiro.

Estávamos com dúvidas sobre o nosso modelo de negócio para novas demandas do setor, e re-location da França para o mercado Brasileiro. Com a ajuda e a expertise da XYZ, retrabalhamos a nossa estratégia e conseguimos ganhar novos clientes. A XYZ entregou um estudo completo de mercado e usamos todos as recomendações deles para melhorar tanto os processos internos quanto a performance externa. Recomendo muito.

Paula Domachowski
NOSSA MÍDIA - Rio de Janeiro
Sócia e Fundadora

A XYZ foi fundamental para a estruturação do nosso negócio.
A partir de entrevistas em profundidade com nosso pessoal chave, análise do segmento, tendências e concorrentes, elaborou o plano de construção da marca e direcionamento da comunicação. Um olhar do todo que foi direto ao ponto. Análises caso a caso, num grande desafio de posicionamento, já que trabalhamos com arte, música, entretenimento, sentimentos e emoções. A XYZ nos “reformulou” e hoje estamos prontos para HITS maiores!


We have developed market strategies, projects and results for companies such as Banco do Brasil. Batavo, Bonduelle, Eletrolux, Fiat, GVT, Kraft foods, Matte Lear, Medial Saude, Oi telecom, Positivo, TIM, Unimed, Volkswagen, Volvo, LATAM

Who should you brand built a relationship with? What do say, where, when e how to say it
A one-fits-all strategy for online branding for website, portals, social networks, online media and mobile
What are the performance indicators for your brand and how to monitor periodically
To understand we must talk to them as we do to friends, asking the right questions and listening carefully we can truly pick their mind and hearts about brands and products